Skill, Technology, Service
“Quality and service were the foundation of our business at the beginning and that has never wavered.” Jerry Reynolds, President
Reynolds & Co. has two 16,500 sq. ft. machining facilities that are environmentally controlled with loading docks and bridge cranes. An additional 10,000 sq. ft. building is used for warehousing, sawing, and production lathe work.

Some of the office team at Reynolds and Co. includes: (back row) Kevin Collenbaugh (Plant Manager), (front row left to right) Jean Reynolds (Owner), Alan Reynolds (Designer), Vickie Burk (Accounting). They are part of a dedicated team that drives the quality and service at Reynolds & Co. Jerry credits the company’s success to its commitment for quality and timely service.
Reynolds & Co. was founded in Terre Haute in 1946 by Stephen G. Reynolds and was originally known as Midwest Valve Service Co. A name change later created Reynolds & Co. Inc., and the firm became focused on the plastic film industry as well as general machine shop services.
Technology is evolving at a rapid rate and we are dedicated to staying in the forefront of our industry. CNC (Computer Numerically Controlled) machining and turning centers are utilized as well as the latest 3D solid CAD (Computer Aided Design) and CAM (Computer Aided Machining) systems. Conventional machines are used also for much of our repair and rebuild work.
Other industries that we serve today are: Aerospace, Food, Bottle Capping, Agriculture, Electrical Power Transmission, Printing, Government Services, Recording, Construction Trades, Foundries and Packaging.